ShadesOfKray LL ThemeTemplate

by FactoryTeam


not available

ShadesOfKray Lightning Launchers Template** ATTENTION **You need Lightning Launcher
You need KWGT
You may need:Flatcons White
Flatcons Black
** Description **Pages for Music, Weather, Agenda and News+ Notificationpanel and Panel for Favorites.+ LockScreen (not activated by default)
Horizontal and Vertical Navigation.
Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.
A lot of Globals to customize.Notificationbadges shown for:Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.If you use other apps please adjust by yourself.
Also if there is an event on current day you will see a badge right date.
** additional files**KWGT
** Installation **Do Kustom before you load the Template within LL.

Kustom WGT
Download all 9 sok_*.kwgt filesand copy to sdcard(Kustom/Widgets/Kustom need Notification Access
Lightning Launcher
In LL goto Settings > Lightning > Load a Template > select ShadesOfKrayReplace.Javascript must be enabled.No Lockscreen is enabled by Default.
Have fun and Rock on
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